Cimbria Complete™
При реализации каждого проекта мы максимально учитываем пожелания клиентов. Наша команда на связи на каждом этапе работы от видения до реализации.

О нас
Cimbria — одна из ведущих мировых компаний в области промышленной переработки, обработки и хранения зерна и семян, а также кормов для животных, пищевых продуктов и других сыпучих продуктов.
8 шагов к вашему успеху
Промышленные решения

Compact Processing Plants
Cimbria offers the world’s very first compact processing plant that is fully pre-assembled and tested in the factory for shipment to clients around the globe.
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Seed Processing
50 years of experience of designing seed processing plants has resulted in a world-leading position for Cimbria.
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Grain Storage
Tailor made silo plants for optimum storage and handling of grain in steel or concrete silos or in flat storage
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Feed Milling
High capacity, high quality and cost-effective equipment for feed milling.
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Food Processing
In-depth expertise within plant design for drying, processing, grading, storage and handling products for the food industry.
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Ear Corn Drying and Processing
Market-leading experts in plant design for ear corn drying and processing from reception to packaging of seeds for planting.
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Green Coffee Processing
Designed solutions for more efficient production and enhanced quality of final product.
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Port Terminals
Experts in high loading capacity and high equipment reliability are prerequisites for port and river terminals.
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Control and Automation
Automation systems ensure the most economical and efficient way of operating silo plants and maintening product quality.
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